Pincode for GURDASPUR, Dhesian, Dera Baba Nanak, GURDASPUR, PUNJAB is 143511

The Pin Code of Dhesian is 143511 situated in Dera Baba Nanak sub district of GURDASPUR district of PUNJAB state in India

Find out other pincode for PUNJAB state or pincode for Dera Baba Nanak city areas.

Details of Pin Code 143511, PUNJAB

Post Office: Dhesian

Post Office Type: BRANCH OFFICE

District: Dera Baba Nanak, GURDASPUR


Pin Code: 143511

Contact Address: Postmaster, Post Office Dhesian, Fazlabad B.O (BRANCH OFFICE), Dera Baba Nanak, GURDASPUR, PUNJAB, India (IN), Pin Code:- 143511


Postal Taluk:- Dhesian

Postal Division:- Dera Baba Nanak

Postal Region:- GURDASPUR

Postal Circle: PUNJAB

Location Map for Dhesian, Dera Baba Nanak, GURDASPUR, PUNJAB


GURDASPUR Pincode, GURDASPUR Pin code, Dhesian Pincode, Dhesian Pin code, PUNJAB Pincode, PUNJAB Pin code, Pin code 143511

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